SLDP Club OFA Heart Clinic

Sept 13-14 2024

Welcome to our upcoming Heart Clinic, a premier event dedicated to the health and well-being of your beloved animal companions. Set against the backdrop of the Bastian Agricultural Center in South Jordan, Utah, this clinic is scheduled from Sept. 13-14, 2024. In a unique and exciting collaboration, our clinic will run concurrently with the esteemed Bonneville Basin Kennel Club and the Salt Lake Doberman Pinscher Club Specialty Show. This convergence of events promises not only top-tier veterinary heart care for dogs but also a vibrant gathering of dog enthusiasts and professionals. Join us for an invaluable opportunity to ensure your dog's heart health while experiencing the dog show world.


What Exams do We Offer?

  • Stethescope and heart


    Heart auscultation for dogs involves a veterinarian listening to a dog's heart using a stethoscope, a practice that's as careful and attentive as tuning into a faint radio station to catch every note of a favorite song. This simple, non-invasive procedure allows the vet to assess the heart's rhythm and rate, and to detect any unusual sounds like murmurs or irregular beats that could indicate heart problems. It's a fundamental part of a dog's physical examination, offering vital clues about the heart's health and functioning without any discomfort to our four-legged friends. If the auscultation is abnormal, we may be able to fit your do in for an OFA echo that day or on another day depending on our wait list.

  • Holter monitor tracings

    Holter Monitor Read

    A Holter monitor is a small, wearable device that continuously records your heart's activity, typically over 24 to 48 hours. It's like carrying around a tiny, personal heart recording studio that tracks every beat and rhythm of your heart as you go about your daily activities, including sleeping. This device is especially useful for detecting irregular heartbeats or arrhythmias that might not show up during a brief doctor's visit. By wearing a Holter monitor, doctors can get a detailed, extended snapshot of your heart function, helping them diagnose issues that might only occur sporadically or under certain conditions. Please have these holter’s completed before coming to the heart clinic for Dr. Eason to evaluate.

  • Cardiac Ultrasound Images


    An echocardiogram, often called an "echo," is essentially an ultrasound for the heart. Just like an ultrasound can show a baby growing in a womb, an echocardiogram uses sound waves to create images of the heart. This test allows doctors to see how the heart is beating and pumping blood, helping them identify any abnormalities in the heart's structure or function. In summary, an echocardiogram is a powerful, safe, and painless way to take a detailed look at the heart's structure and function, helping doctors diagnose and monitor heart conditions.

doberman echocardiogram

How We Schedule

You will be added to our list of registered owners. Please note that only those with paid appointments will be guaranteed their slots. We will assign appointment times once the ring time is announced, typically about one week prior to the clinic. We kindly ask that you arrive 10 to 15 minutes before your scheduled time to complete any required paperwork. For your convenience, links to our club's PayPal and Venmo are provided below.